Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Birth Story: Whitten Elsie part 2

Around 10:30 our nurse came back in and checked me again. I had only progressed to 4 cm, but my contractions were closer together! I was so excited that I was dilating pretty quickly. My mom arrived around 11. It was great to have her there. She was so excited! I was feeling strangely calm at this point. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I could not feel anything below my waist. I called Trammels mom around 11:30 and asked if she could swing by Target to pick up the Dr. Seuss book "oh, the places you will go". I decided to use this book as a visitor book. That way she could have it forever. At 12:00 the nurse came in and told me Dr. Dunn was on her way and she would check me when she got there. I told the nurse that I was feeling all kinds of pressure. She decided to go ahead and check me. I was completely dialated and was ready to start pushing! I was in shock! I didn't know what to think. I told Trammel he had better call his mom. She was paying at Target and ended up leaving all of her purchased items right there in the store all bagged up. She literally ran out when she heard we were pushing. Good thing too, or she would have been late to the party.

The nurse came over and sat on the edge of the bed. She raised one leg and told Trammel to hold the other. I was so confused. We are doing this now? Just like that? I mean, my mom was still in the room and here I am in all my glory. Where were the big lights? The five nurses and doctor? Where was Trammel's cute little green scrubs? All this time I had been anticipating this huge birth scene, like the ones you see in movies. Instead, it was just me, Trammel, my nurse (who was sitting on the edge of my bed), and my unwanted mother! When the nurse told me to start pushing I looked over on the couch and my mom is texting away. I had asked her to leave several times, but apparently she doesn't hear well when she is texting. I finally had to yell at her (my only yelling or screaming during the whole birth might I add). When she was gone it was much more relaxing. I pushed for about 15 minutes (somewhere between 5-7 pushes). I have to admit, this was sort of awkward. I kept cracking up at Trammel. He was being so great, but he was a little pale faced. At one point the nurse had to ask if he needed to sit down. After about the fourth or fifth push they told me there was a head! I about toppled over trying to look. I just kept repeating "Does she have hair?". Trammel finally told me she had lots of dark hair (woohoo). I was about as happy as you could be! I might have started pushing a little harder at this point because I wanted to see my baby. Another 2 pushes and they were handing me this beyond perfect (yet messy) little girl! It was unbelievable holding her on my chest and taking her in. She has definitely changed our lives for the better (besides the no sleep thing). She is a great baby and fusses only when she is hungry. When she sleeps, she sleeps hard. She loves her milk and unfortunately her paci. Elsie is such a special little girl, and I am so lucky to be able to call her mine!

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