I can't believe that I am 32 weeks pregnant. I will be full term in 4 weeks, due in 8 weeks! Crazy! There is still so much to do. I am so looking forward to her being here, and holding her. I can't wait to find out what she looks like! I want her to have hair so bad, I can't stand it! I can't wait to put bows in her hair, and dress her in sweet little clothes. However, I have to remind myself quite frequently to enjoy this time. This time without her... Isn't that sad? I feel like a terrible person, but when she is here my life with change forever, as will my relationship with Trammel. I want to enjoy every single second that we have left together, just the two of us. I want to enjoy being able to jump in the car and go to the grocery store or the mall. I am trying to enjoy our dinners out (even if they are to Taco Bell). I don't want to rush these last few weeks. I want to enjoy them. I am completely over being pregnant, but am so afraid I am going to miss the feeling of her growing inside of me. I am going to miss feeling her completely come to life after a long nap. It is bitter sweet, I think. I am ready for her to be here, but I am also really trying to enjoy this time. Enough of my rants....here are the stats for the week!
How Far Along: 32 weeks (no pic this week, maybe next time)
Size of baby: She is the size of a honeydew! She is about 17 inches in length and 4 pounds!
Total Weight Gained: Still holding at 20 pounds....
Maternity Clothes: I made the mistake of trying to fit into a non-maternity shirt this week....Couldn't. Breath. All. Day!
Gender: sweet baby girl
Movement: She is a lot less active... I think she is getting cramped. I sort of miss her sweet little kicks and punches. However, I love that I can feel her pretty much all the time. I can feel her every time she changes positions and it makes me smile. Sometimes she gets her knees and elbows stuck in little nooks and crannies. I have to poke her to get her to move!
Sleep: Last time I posted, I mentioned how tired I was all the time. Well, it just so happened that I was anemic. Now that I am on medicine I feel much better. My night time sleeping is still the same....toss...turn...pee...repeat!
What I miss: Hmm... well, I started drinking coke this week! It taste amazing! I can't believe that indigestion has kept me from something so amazing for so long! On to what I miss...I miss my old clothes. I miss uninterrupted sleep (of course that wont change, ever again!). I miss being able to shave my legs, put on my socks and shoes, and getting out of bed without moaning and groaning.
Aversions: Still not into tomatoes, but I did have some chili and some salsa this week... Big improvement!
Symptoms: Hmm.. this one is hard. I feel great for 32 weeks, but I still have some round ligament pain and lots of indigestion. The biggest thing is I am constantly out of breath. I was reading aloud to my fourth graders the other day and was huffing and puffing trying to make it through the paragraph. They laughed at me...Not Cool! :)
Best Moment this week: We finally moved all the furniture out of the nursery.... now, all that is left is the crib and a book shelf. The rest of baby girl's furniture will be here in 2 weeks! I can't wait! Anybody else wait till they were almost full term before putting the nursery together??
Looking forward to: I am definitely looking forward to my baby showers that I have coming up. I have such great family and friends, and I feel blessed that they want to share in this time with me. I also look forward to SNOW!! Please, please snow! I was really depending on those snow days to get some work done around the house.... I am waiting for the phone call.... "Hello Williamson County parents and Staff, this is Carol Birdsong....." very sweet music to my ears!
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